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Welcome to the TWiki of the COMETA COST Action

~ While our beautiful website is being prepared, you can find here all the relevant information to participate ~

General Info about COMETA click on "apply" to sign up!

detailed information and regulation about COST Actions can be found in the COST Annotated Rules [NEW annotated rules from Nov 1, 2024]
note: as "institution" specify always your primary affiliation, even if you are based at CERN. If you are affiliated to CERN, indicate Switzerland as country, not European RTD organization.

Communication channels

Mailing lists: once your application is accepted, you will be automatically added to the CERN e-groups for the WGs you selected
Newsletter: a monthly newsletter is mailed to all members. To insert job/events advertisements or suggest content, contact the editors: Joany Manjarres and Toni Sculac

Mattermost channel: click here to sign up

Twitter / X: @multibosons

Youtube: @multibosons

Working group Wikis

WG1 - Theoretical framework, precision calculations and simulation

WG2 - Technological innovation in data analysis

WG3 - Experimental Measurements

WG4 - Management and Event Organization

WG5 - Inclusiveness and Outreach

Upcoming Events in 2025

2nd COMETA General Meeting: Krakow (Poland), April 28 - 30 -- call for abstracts closed. registration open until Feb 21

ML4Physics@Ljubljana summer school : Ljubljana (Slovenia), June 26 - July 3 -- registration open until May 4

Polarized Perspectives: Tagging and Learning in the SM: Vienna (Austria), February 20 - 21 -- registration closed
COMETA Workshop on EFT in HH and VBS: Paris (France), March 17 - 19 -- registration open until Mar 2, abstract submission for YSF open until Feb 21
Positivity, Amplitudes and Phenomenology [TH institute] CERN (Switzerland), April 7 - 11 -- registration open until Feb 28
Uncertainty quantification in AI: Physics and Mathematics Perspectives Saclay (France), September [dates TBA]

all COMETA Events on Indico

COMETA Calendar: iCal public URL

Instructions to obtain reimbursements for attending in-person events: Reimbursement instructions,pdf

2024 Events

1st COMETA General Meeting: Izrmir (Türkiye), 28 February - 1 March

Baltic School of High-Energy Physics and Accelerator Technologies (BSHEPAT): Kuldīga (Latvia), 5 - 9 August

Combined EFT analysis of the EW sector within CMS: Milano (Italy), May 23 - 24
Effective Field Theory in Multi-Boson Production: Padova (Italy), June 10 - 11
COMETA Workshop on Vector Boson Polarisations, Toulouse (France), September 23 - 24
First COMETA workshop on artificial intelligence for multi-boson physics: Amsterdam (Netherlands), October 1 - 2

COMETA Colloquia


May 27, 2025: Aishik Ghosh
May 5, 2025: Javier Fuentes-Martin
Mar 24, 2025: Federica Fabbri
Jan 27, 2025: Jonas Spinner
Dec 16, 2024: Lorenzo Tancredi
Nov 26, 2024: Thea Aarrestad
Oct 28, 2024: Christophe Grojean
Sep 16, 2024: Sally Dawson
Jul 22, 2024: Luca Cadamuro
Jun 17, 2024: Chiara Mariotti
May 27, 2024: Peter Jenni

Organizers: Rene Poncelet, Nicole Michelle Hartman, Alejo Nahuel Rossia. contact at
Full talks schedule and indico pages:

Find all recordings on our youtube channel!

Announcements about the Colloquia series are circulated to all COMETA members.
To receive them without joining the Action, subscribe to the cometa-colloquia e-Group at

Internal Grant applications

Applications for Short-Term-Scientific-Missions and Conference Grants are currently closed.
the next deadline will be March 16, 2025.

submit on

internal regulations:
general user guide:

For any further information contact the Grant Evaluation Committee

COMETA publications

we keep a database of COMETA's dissemination products in the spreadsheet at this link.
anyone can access it and leave comments, but editing is only possible to a team of moderators: Richard, Karlis, Flavia, Karolos, Ilaria.

If you are a member of COMETA and you release a scientific publication that was supported or inspired by our Action, please follow these instructions.

for publications outside the LHC Collaborations:
  1. add the following sentence to the acknowledgments. you can change it a bit, but remember to include acronym and number!
    The authors acknowledge support from the COMETA COST Action CA22130.
  2. before uploading to arxiv, contact one of the moderators for the publications spreadsheet and provide them with title and authors list. they will give you a unique COMETA preprint code.
    if the work leading to the publication was supported by a COMETA STSM Grant, please indicate so. we love keeping track of STSM products!
  3. when submitting to arxiv, make sure to include the COMETA preprint in the "report number" field
  4. once you have additional info, ie. arxiv number, inspirehep link, DOI and/or journal reference, send them to the moderator or leave a comment on the spreadsheet (one of the codes is sufficient)
for publications of the LHC Collaborations:
  1. ATLAS/CMS publications do not allow for external preprints or acknowledgments. therefore, there is no need to include those in the document.
  2. after the paper is public, contact one of the moderators of the spreadsheet in order to have your record added. make sure to include at least one among arxiv number, inspirehep link, DOI or journal reference
    if the work leading to the publication was supported by a COMETA STSM Grant, please indicate so. we love keeping track of STSM products!
for talks/poster presentations at conferences or outreach talks [outside COMETA events]:
  1. remember to include a COMETA Logo, in your favorite color. available for download here
  2. contact one of the moderators in order to add the entry in the spreadsheet. make sure to include a link to the conference contribution on indico, or any available webpage.

which publications should be reported?
there are only 3 hard requirements:
(1) at least one of the authors is a COMETA Member or if it's a talk supported by a COMETA conference grant.
(2) the date of first publication/of the talk is within the lifetime of the Action (after Sep 18th 2023).
(3) the content is pertinent to COMETA's research project. if in doubt, you can check the MoU or ask one of the moderators.

Code Repository

We have a GitHub organisation

EXPIRED: Call for meeting locations and topics for Grant Period 2

We have an open call for proposals for
(a) general meeting locations
(b) topics and locations for topical meetings
to be held during the second grant period of the COMETA COST Action, that is between December 1st 2024 and September 30, 2025.

As for the first grant period, we expect to have one general meeting and multiple topical/working-group meetings.
The selection of the general meeting location and funded topical meetings will be made by the COMETA Core Group, and we expect it to be completed by October 2024, once the budget allocated to our Action will be known.

For the general meeting, dates in the first half of the grant period (Dec ‘24 - May ‘25) and easy-to-reach locations are preferred.
Overlaps with other conferences and teaching periods should also be avoided as much as possible.
Applications from ITC countries are encouraged for all events.

Submit your proposal(s) through this form before August 15th

Internal documents and material

Google drive directories:

Core Group

Management Committee

Grant Evaluation Committee

COMETA Web Utilities

Topic revision: r42 - 20 Feb 2025, IlariaBrivio - This page was cached on 03 Mar 2025 - 21:32.

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