WG5 - Inclusiveness and Outreach

Useful info

WG Leaders:
  • Kārlis Dreimanis
  • Flavia de Almeida Dias
WG5 Mattermost channel:

To access it, you first need to use the invitation link that you can find in the general COMETA twiki.


WG5 Ethos

As you can read in the COMETA's Memorandum of Understanding, the main objectives of this WG are "Encouraging public awareness of fundamental research in particle physics. Improving gender balance of the field. Implementation of inclusion policies".

Upcoming Milestones

  • Statistics plans for the D&I reports in all COMETA meetings

Due mid-March 2024

  • Prepare document for deliverable D5.3 Science Communication plan: preparation of the initial document and regular updates

Due mid-September 2024

  • Prepare deliverable D5.1 Periodic review of the effectiveness of inclusion, diversity and gender policies

  • Prepare deliverable D5.2 Material for outreach on the public website of the Action and social media

-- FlaviaDeAlmeidaDias - 18 Dec 2023

-- KarolosPotamianos - 22 Nov 2023
Topic revision: r2 - 18 Dec 2023, FlaviaDeAlmeidaDias - This page was cached on 07 Jul 2024 - 17:21.

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