DarkSide-UK: Collaboration Members and Institutes

Below is a list of all members of the DarkSide-UK Collaboration, their institutes and roles. Institute members of <a class="foswikiNewLink" href="/bin/edit/DarkSideUK/DarkSide?topicparent=DarkSideUK.DarkSideUKMembers" rel="nofollow" title="Create this topic">DarkSide</a>-UK

(Click on column title to sort)

Name Institute RoleSorted descending
Mark Langstaff University of Manchester Technician
Taabish Ahmed University of Manchester Technician
Dr. Yorck Ramachers University of Warwick PI Warwick
Dr. Matthew Malek University of Sheffield PI Sheffield
John Lipp Rutherford Appleton Laboratory PI RAL
Prof. Darren Price University of Manchester PI Manchester
Dr. Kostas Mavrokoridis University of Liverpool PI Liverpool
Dr. Jarek Nowak Lancaster University PI Lancaster
Prof. Malcolm Fairbairn King's College London PI KCL
Prof. Morgan Wascko Imperial College London PI Imperial
Prof. Dave Britton University of Glasgow PI Glasgow
Dr. Andrzej Szelc University of Edinburgh PI Edinburgh
Prof. Kostas Nikolopoulos University of Birmingham PI Birmingham
Prof. Jocelyn Monroe Royal Holloway, University of London PI DarkSide-UK / RHUL; Deputy-Spokesperson, DarkSide Collaboration
Dr Ankush Mitra University of Warwick Physicist Engineer
Olly Macfadyen Royal Holloway, University of London Phd Stuedent
Seraphim Koulosousas Royal Holloway, University of London Phd Student
Dr. Paolo Agnes Royal Holloway, University of London PDRA
Dr. Alice Hamer University of Edinburgh/RHUL PDRA
Dr. Paolo Franchini Royal Holloway, University of London - Lancaster University PDRA
Dr. Martin Spangenberg University of Warwick PDRA
Dr. Daria Santone Royal Holloway, University of London PDRA
Dr. Jonathan Taylor University of Liverpool PDRA
Dr. Adam Roberts University of Liverpool PDRA
Dr Shriram Sadashivajois Royal Holloway, University of London Marie Curie fellow
Dr. Robert Chapple University of Manchester Engineer
Graham Miller University of Manchester Engineer
Prof. Joost Vossebeld University of Liverpool Academic
Ellen Sandford University of Manchester PhD student
Conner Roberts University of Manchester PhD student
Alan Taylor University of Liverpool PhD student
Samuel Hill Royal Holloway, University of London PhD student
Eleanor Bishop University of Manchester MSc student


Name Institute RoleSorted descending
Sparshita Dey University of Manchester MSc Student
Ishanee Pophale University of Manchester MSc Student

-- DarrenPrice
Topic revision: r8 - 14 Jun 2022, DariaSantone - This page was cached on 13 Mar 2025 - 01:58.

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